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Importance Of Wellness Programmes In Schools

Jan. 15, 2025, 8:40 a.m.

Wellness is defined as the well-off condition of our mind and body. And wellness programmes are those initiatives designed and implemented to enhance the well-being of each and every person in society.

Although wellness programmes are conducted by various organisations and institutions, these sessions are especially required in schools for the well-being of both staff and students. These programmes help in bringing good results to the academy which in turn supports the overall development of the society.

Let us have a thorough look at various wellness programme measures and their importance in schools.

Many strategies are formulated and executed to bring the state of well-being among staff and students in schools. Of these, some of the most prominent areas are:

Balanced diet - A good diet is the basis of our overall well-being. It is important to give awareness to children about the value of taking a diet that balances all the nutrients that are beneficial for health. Wellness programmes are intended to discuss and ensure that the students follow a good diet plan both at home and at school.

Proper Exercise - Exercise, whether it is mental or physical helps in total rejuvenation and brings out the best in a person. At the same time, exercises should not be over-exerting too. By way of effective wellness programmes, children are acquainted with the proper exercises they need to follow, depending on their age as well as their health conditions.

Stress management - Stress is a common word used even by kids nowadays. In today's highly competitive world, it is important to manage stress effectively so as to control depression in people. Different types of anti-stress activities are included in the wellness programmes conducted in schools.

Illness prevention - It is a proven fact that prevention is better than cure. Although there are better treatments available to cure ailments, it is advisable to prevent any form of illness for health sustainability in children. Wellness programmes help to get an insight into various illnesses and the easy ways to prevent them.

Resilience education - The wellness programmes conducted at schools give emphasis on resilience education. This serves as guidelines for children to tackle undesirable situations.

Wellness Assessments - The wellness programmes conducted in schools also aim at doing wellness assessments by means of games and other activities. This motivates children, helps in more engaged participation, and reaps good academic results.


Significance of Wellness programmes in Schools

  • Cultivating healthy habits
    Many of the habits of children get nurtured at schools and wellness programmes help in developing healthy habits in them, reducing common behavioural issues.
  • Reduces health risks
    One of the major concerns of the present-day health industry is that of depression. The wellness programmes initiated in schools focus on activities that work on curing depression and serve as podiums for ensuring a pleasant atmosphere by reducing major health risks.
  • Increased performance
    A healthy mind in a healthy body has the ability to do wonders. The wellness programmes targeted at students in schools help enhance their academic performance and creativity, which in turn supports the progress of the institution.

The wellness programmes initiated by the health sector in schools grab much attention and usually get more engagement than other initiatives. The major reason for this is that such endeavours are focused on children who are influential agents of a society.

The wellness programmes in schools are organised with a vision to develop a positive attitude within the school premises and thus create a pleasant atmosphere. These programmes are meant to empower students to be the change agents of society as a whole.

At Samyuktha school, we hold regular wellness programmes to develop positive attitudes in students, where both students and teachers enthusiastically participate to generate advanced educational outcomes through various wellness activities. Wellness programmes also help students discover ways to effectively cope with complexities and uncertainties of the world outside the periphery of the classroom.

Have queries regarding our approaches to comprehensive learning? Please write to us at contact@samyukthaschool.com or call us at +91 91 3535 4444 / 72 8282 4444.

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